Muscle function: Plantar flexion (talocrural joint) inversion (subtalar joint). Control of midfoot and Fibula
Muscle origin: Posterior surface of tibia, posterior surface of fibula and interosseous membrane
Muscle insertion: Tuberosity of navicular bone, all cuneiform bones, cuboid bone and bases of metatarsal bones 2-4
Nerve innervation: L4-5 (Lovett reactor C1-2)
Organ relationship: Small intestine, heart and sex organs – C8-L4, S2-4 and Vagus
Primary inhibatory muscles: Psoas major, Iliacus, Adductor magnus, Biceps femoris, Tibiais anterior, Peroneus longus, Peroneus brevis, Peroneus tertius
Related joints: Tibiafibular, Talocrural, Subtalar and midfoot
Myofascial lines: Deep front line
Manual and practical therapy strategies that will help you find the root cause(s) and achieve faster and better results with your clients.
Functional Rehab Academy is a part of:
Move2Peak Academy ApS, Denmark