Functional Rehab Academy

Peroneus longus (Fibularis)

Muscle function: Plantar flexion (Talocrural joint), eversion (subtalar joint) and abduction. Control of Fibula, 1. Cuneiforme and 1. Metatars

Muscle origin: Head of fibula, proximal 2/3 of lateral surface of fibula and the intermuscular septa

Muscle insertion: 1. Cuneiform and 1. Metatars

Nerve innervation: L5-S1 (Lovett reactor C1)

Organ relationship: Bladder, Colon, Lung – T2-L2, S2-4 and Vagus

  • Bladder
    • Sympathetic: T8-11
    • Parasympathetic: Vagus
  • Colon
    • Sympathetic: T10-L2
    • Parasympathetic: Vagus and S2-4
  • Lung
    • Sympathetic: T2-6
    • Parasympathetic: Vagus
Client is supine. The knee is bend approx 90 deg. The foot is placed in max. dorsi flexion, abduction and eversion. Fiksate with one hand around the heel and apply pressure along the 4. and 5. metatars towards plantar flexion and inversion with the opposite hand.

Functional anatomy for

Peroneus longus (Fibularis)

Related joints: Tibiafibular, talocrural, subtalar, cuneonavicular and tarsometarsal joints.

Myofascial lines: Lateral and Spiral line


  • Tensor fascia latae – Control of Fibula and connected in the Spiral and Lateral line
  • Gluteus maximus – Control of Fibula and connected in the Lateral line
  • Gluteus medius – Control of Fibula and connected in the Lateral line
  • Gluteus minimus – Control of Fibula and connected in the Lateral line
  • Biceps femoris – Control of Fibula and connected in the Spiral line
  • Gastrocnemeus – plantarflexion, eversion (lateral part) and midfoot control through Superficial back line that runs into the plantar fascia
  • Soleus – plantarflexion and midfoot control through Superficial back line that runs into the plantar fascia.
  • Tibialis anterior – Control of midfoot (1. cuneiforme and 1. metartarsal bone) and Fibula, and connected through the Spiral line.
  • Peroneus brevis – Plantar flexion, eversion, control of Fibula and connected in the Lateral and Spiral line
  • Peroneus tertius – Eversion, control of Fibula and connected in the Lateral and Spiral line
  • Tibialis posterior – Plantarflexion and control of both Fibula and midfoot

Release exercises

Corrective strength exercises

Functional Rehab Academy

Manual and practical therapy strategies that will help you find the root cause(s) and achieve faster and better results with your clients.

Functional Rehab Academy is a part of:
Move2Peak Academy ApS, Denmark