Functional Rehab Academy


Muscle function: Hip flexion and external rotation

Muscle origin: Superior pubic ramus (pectineal line of pubis)

Muscle insertion: Pectineal line and linea aspera of femur

Nerver innervation: L2-3 (Lovett reactor C3-4)

Organ relationship: Colon – T10-L2, S2-4 and Vagus

  • Sympathetic: T10-L2
  • Parasympathetic: Vagus and S2-4

Primary inhibatory muscles: Tensor fascia latae, Psoas major, Adductor magnus

Client is supine. Test leg is extended and placed in 15 deg. hip flexion, full external hip rotation and 10 deg. hip adduction. Fiksate on the front of the opposite hip with one hand and apply pressure straight down on the test leg.

Functional anatomy for


Related joints: SI, pubic and hip joint

Myofascial lines: Deep front line


Release exercises

Corrective strength exercises

Functional Rehab Academy

Manual and practical therapy strategies that will help you find the root cause(s) and achieve faster and better results with your clients.

Functional Rehab Academy is a part of:
Move2Peak Academy ApS, Denmark