Muscle function: Hip extension and external rotation. Control of the Ilium, Sacrum and Coccyx bone, and thereby the SI joints. Control of the knee joint and Fibula bone. Stability of the lumbar spine through the “Back functional line”.
Muscle origin: Iliac crest, sacrum and coccygis
Muscle insertion: Trochantor major, linea glutea and the IT band connecting to the Tibia and caput of Fibula
Nerver innervation: L5-S2 (Lovett reactor C1)
Organ relationship: Sex organs, Bladder and Large intestine – T8-L4, S2-4 and Vagus
Primary inhibitory muscles: Opposite Latissimus dorsi, Quadratus lumborum, Psoas major, Tensor fascia latae, Rectus femoris, Vastus lateralis, Vastus medialis, Biceps femoris, Peroneus longus, Tibialis anterior, Gastrocnemeus
it is very important that the client keeps the knee flexed min. 90 deg. to avoid the hamstring supporting to much.
Related joints: Lumbar, SI, hip and Tibia-fibula joint
Myofascial lines: Back functional line, Lateral line
Manual and practical therapy strategies that will help you find the root cause(s) and achieve faster and better results with your clients.
Functional Rehab Academy is a part of:
Move2Peak Academy ApS, Denmark